
The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, in line with our organization’s Mission and Vision, is committed to making our website accessible to everyone. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of our website may be sufficiently accessible to some of our visitors. We are in the process of redesigning our website and creating new website content and functionality to improve accessibility for all site visitors.

We further recognize that some of our functionality and the associated content is complex, has contractual implications and, even with best efforts and intentions, may not be effective when used with screen readers or other devices. Given that our goal is to provide a website, content and functionality that is broadly accessible, we invite anyone requiring specific accommodations to contact our Customer Care Center at (213) 739-8272 and ask to speak with the Accessibility Coordinator who will work with you to provide an effective and reasonable accommodation.

About the EXPO

This event is the premier tradeshow for California's real estate industry. Our event features one-of-a-kind education, networking, and professional development opportunities. We welcome and encourage all members of the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® – brokers/owners, top producers, sales associates, assistants, and Association Executives to attend. Other real estate leaders, real estate agent analysts, members of the media, and professionals in affiliated industries are also more than welcome.

Exhibitors - Why You Need To Be Here:

  • We're all things California
  • More than 8,000 REALTORS® in one location under one roof
  • Meet face-to-face with top brokers/owners, savvy agents, Association Executives, and key real estate leaders
  • You have the solutions to our challenges
  • Contact us today to be an exhibitor or sponsor at (213) 739-8301 or [email protected]

This year we'll be in San Diego, Oct. 10-12. We hope to see you there!

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (800) 242-2732
  • Email:
    [email protected]
  • Address:
    San Diego Convention Center
    111 Harbor Dr,
    San Diego, CA 92101