Privacy Policy

Effective: July 9, 2015

The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (“C.A.R.,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) has created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and so that you, as a visitor to the website (“Website”), will be aware of the uses made of information that may be generated as a result of you using our Website.

What information is generated when you visit?
A. Personal Information. We may collect personal information. Personal information is information that permits direct association with a specific individual, such as your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number. Personal information may be given to us when you complete a registration screen, respond to a questionnaire, or submit an e-mail to us.

B. Non-Personal Information. We also collect non-personal information. Non-personal information is aggregated information and other information that does not permit direct association with any specific individual. For example, we may collect the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example,, if you are connecting from an America Online account), the date and time you access our site, the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site, and information relating to your activities on our Website. If we combine your non-personal information with your personal information, we will treat the combined information as personal information.

Use of Cookies
A cookie is a data file that is created and stored on your computer’s hard drive when you visit a website. The typical purpose of a cookie is to make your use of the website easier and more convenient and to assist the website in tracking your use of the website. For example, a cookie may save the registration information, passwords, purchases, or preferences that you create when using a Web site so you don’t have to reenter this information. Cookies may also tell a website which areas of the site are popular and which aren’t. Cookie technology is used by most major websites and is considered an industry standard for the Internet.

We may use cookie technology on our Website. We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information, except when combined with personal information or as provided by law.

Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you prefer, you may set your browser so that it refuses cookies or alerts you when cookies are being created on your hard drive. However, opting to decline cookies may impair your ability to use certain portions of the Website.

How do we use information generated from the Website?
A. Personal Information. Any personal information that you provide to us will be used by us primarily to fulfill the stated objective for which the information was requested or collected (e.g., if information is provided as a result of you e-mailing us, we will use the information provided, such as your e-mail address, to respond to you). We may contact you to market or promote third party products or services. We may also send you important information regarding products and services, changes to any terms, conditions, or policies, or other administrative information. We also store and use personal information to collect information about your usage of the Website for internal business purposes, including auditing and data analysis. This helps us determine how best to improve our Web site and what other products and services may be valuable or of interest to you.

B. Non-Personal Information. We may collect, use, and disclose non-personal information for any purpose except as prohibited by law. For example, we use non-personal information to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our Website, help us make our Website more useful to visitors, understand and analyze trends in your use of our Website, gather information about our user base and the real estate industry as a whole, administer our Website, and to help us determine how to improve our Website and advertising. We may store and use non-personal information to create, use, license, and sell general analytic databases that may provide insight into subjects including, but not limited to, real estate market practices, industry trends, and general economic conditions. We may also use this information in our marketing and advertising services, in our creation of new products and services, and for our internal business purposes.

Disclosure to Third Parties
By registering to attend CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2015, you are giving us permission and agreeing to share your name and business address submitted for registration with the exhibitors and sponsors of CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2015.

We occasionally hire other companies to provide services on our behalf, including development and hosting services. We will provide to those companies only the personal information necessary to enable those companies to provide such services, and we prohibit them from using that information for any other purpose. We may also provide your personal information to our affiliates and subsidiaries to offer other products or services that may be valuable or interesting to you. Except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, we do not provide your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. Finally, we may provide non-personal information to third parties for general analytic purposes related to real estate market practices, industry trends, and general economic conditions.

When you register or otherwise give us personal information, we do not share that information with third parties without your permission, other than for the limited exceptions set forth in this Privacy Policy.

We will disclose personal information without notice only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights or property of C.A.R.

“Contact Us” Feature
Like most sites on the Internet, our Website may contain a feature that allows you to contact us with your comments or questions. The information collected through this feature is used to investigate and respond to your inquiries. If you are a C.A.R. member, we may also use the information you provide to update our membership records.

Online Product/Service Purchases
The Website may allow you to purchase various products and services, such a registering for CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2015. In order to process and complete your orders through the Website, we may need to ask you for certain information, such as your name, company name, address, state and zip code, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and credit card number, security code, and expiration date. The information collected through the Website is used to process your order and may also be used to keep track of the amount and types of purchases being made through the Website. We may also use your email address or mailing address to send you information regarding updates to the products/services you purchased or new products/services which may be of interest to you.

When you initiate the purchase transaction, you may be taken to another website where you may purchase products/services. If so, you agree to be bound by the terms of use and privacy policy of that website. Therefore, we suggest that you review that website’s terms of use and privacy policy to ensure the terms are acceptable to you.

With respect to your credit card information, this information is sent encrypted to a secure server. The information is then used to complete your purchase order. Please see the section titled “Security” for more information about the security of our Website.

We may, from time to time, create and use surveys on our Web site. Most surveys are simple “click box” surveys where you click a box on the screen to indicate your response. However, we may, from time to time, ask you for your name, email address or demographic information. If a survey does ask you for this information, we will use the information to complete the survey, compile statistics and update member records.

We may sell advertising space to third parties on our Website, which is usually in the form of a graphic link to the Internet website of the advertiser. These linked websites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or contents of any such linked website, or any link contained in any linked website. Any personal information you provide to the linked website will be collected and controlled by the privacy policy of that third party. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS POLICY DOES NOT ADDRESS THE PRIVACY OR INFORMATION PRACTICES OF ANY THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, OUR AFFILIATES OR SUBSIDIARIES.

Required by Law
We may disclose information provided by you if we are legally required to do so, such as by court order or subpoena.

Links to Third Party Websites
In many areas of our Website, we have included links to other Internet sites that we feel add to or improve the quality of our Website. While we hope you find these links helpful, we cannot assume responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of any linked site. We do not control the privacy practices of these third-party sites, which may differ from that of C.A.R. Therefore, we encourage you to investigate and determine the privacy policy and practices of any linked site prior to providing information to the linked site. Any information you choose to provide to third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy.

C.A.R. is committed to protecting the information you choose to share with us. We have adopted what we consider to be reasonable security measures to protect against the loss, theft, misuse, and alteration of information collected through our Website. However, please note that no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be perfectly secure. If you are concerned about the security of the Internet or our Website, we suggest that you not provide this information.

Children's Guidelines
Our Website is not directed towards, nor do we currently attempt to collect or solicit information from persons under thirteen (13) years of age. However, given that users of all ages may access and view this Website, it is possible that someone under the age of thirteen may access our Website and provide us with personal information. If we learn that a child under thirteen has submitted personal information to us, the information will be deleted promptly from our system.

Contacting our Website
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of our Website, or your dealings with our Website, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or write us at 525 South Virgil Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90020, Attn: C.A.R. Online Web Developer.

Changes to Privacy Policy Statement
Due to the ever-changing environment of the Internet, and in order to maintain our ability to improve the quality and safety of our Web site, we reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without specific notice to you. In the event we make any material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will update the Policy’s effective date and indicate the previous effective date. As you use our Website, we encourage you to periodically check back with this Privacy Policy for changes that we may make. Your continued use of our Website will constitute your agreement to any changes we make, and if you do not agree with a change, please refrain from using our Website. Thank you!

About the EXPO

This event is the premier tradeshow for California's real estate industry. Our event features one-of-a-kind education, networking, and professional development opportunities. We welcome and encourage all members of the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® – brokers/owners, top producers, sales associates, assistants, and Association Executives to attend. Other real estate leaders, real estate agent analysts, members of the media, and professionals in affiliated industries are also more than welcome.

Exhibitors - Why You Need To Be Here:

  • We're all things California
  • More than 8,000 REALTORS® in one location under one roof
  • Meet face-to-face with top brokers/owners, savvy agents, Association Executives, and key real estate leaders
  • You have the solutions to our challenges
  • Contact us today to be an exhibitor or sponsor at (213) 739-8301 or [email protected]

This year we'll be in San Diego, Oct. 10-12. We hope to see you there!

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (800) 242-2732
  • Email:
    [email protected]
  • Address:
    San Diego Convention Center
    111 Harbor Dr,
    San Diego, CA 92101